
My name is Mahta Mousavi. I am an Einstein international postdoctoral fellow at the Technische Universität Berlin working with Professor Benjamin Blankertz on whole-brain modeling of the electroencephalography (EEG) signal, developing EEG-based brain functional connectivity measures and investigating their application in brain-computer interfaces. 

Prior to that, I was a postdoctoral scholar at the Cognitive Science department at UC San Diego where I also earned my doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering (Data Science and machine learning) and Cognitive Science, supervised by Professor Virginia de Sa

I was an MIT rising stars participant in 2021. 

Since 2021, I am serving as a board member for the Maryosa foundation which is a Netherlands-based not-for-profit organization that focuses on providing education support for students in developing countries. 

I also volunteer as a mentor and tutor at Mädchen-Kultur-Treff Dünja, an organization in Berlin that is active in the education of girls and young women with immigration backgrounds. 

You can see my list of publications here and repositories here.